Upper Primary
Years 3 - 6
We believe in the development of the whole child, and as a result we focus our attention on preparing our students for High School so that they are: academically, emotionally and socially ready. During this stage they grow in their knowledge of who they are in God’s world as we teach from a spiritual perspective.
There are key areas that we concentrate on with students at this age to help them be prepared for High School, we want them to be;
Academically able to cope
Be resilient socially and emotionally
To be autonomous self-motivated learners
Respectful and caring for others
Respectful to teaching staff
In Years 3 and 4, education is a continuation and consolidation of earlier learning, with more independent activities and creative decision-making. At this age students are developing a sense of responsibility for others around them.
Students in Years 5 and 6 are encouraged to be more responsible for personal organisation and decision-making, and to learn about personal obligations. They are responsible for diaries, being role models for younger students and setting standards, with a Prefect program to develop leadership, and their academic achievement.